Members agree to permit any photos, video, or other image or sound recording media, of the member, their work or performance taken by or on behalf of the Scugog Council for the Arts (the “SCA”), or any biographical or other description provided to the SCA by the member for the purposes of promotion or distribution, to be used to promote, describe, or report on events, members’ art, or the SCA in any media, including flyers, publications and on the Internet. Members agree to be identified as members of the SCA on the SCA website. Members who provide their e-mail address will receive mail from the SCA, but members’ email addresses will not be sold or shared. Unless waived by the SCA in its sole discretion, membership is required in order to exhibit artwork in the SCA Gallery. In keeping with the SCA’s Guiding Principle of achieving financial sustainability, each member agrees that the SCA shall be exempted from conducting a costly full financial audit for the current year. Thank you for your support.

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