Exhibition & Shop Inventory

Every exhibition in the Scugog Arts Gallery requires a list of the art, whether it is a solo, duo or group show, the Christmas Shop or Resident Artist work. This form serves as an inventory list with prices and as the information list for producing labels and entering work into our point of sale system. Each artist must fill out an individual form. PLEASE ALLOW SOME TIME FOR IMAGES TO UPLOAD AFTER YOU'VE HIT SUMMIT OR ALL IS LOST! DO NOT CLOSE THE PROGRAM OR YOUR COMPUTER FOR AT LEAST TEN MINUTES.

  • Type in the theme name of the exhibition. This applies to group shows and solo or duo shows. If you do not know the exact name of a group show, give us an idea ie "Christmas Market 2021" If you are a RESIDENT ARTIST title the name of exhibition as "resident artist" When you are done and select SUBMIT, PLEASE WAIT AT LEAST TEN MINUTES FOR YOUR IMAGE FILES TO UPLOAD.
  • List every piece of art, click on the plus sign to add another item. If the plus sign does not show up on your screen, hover your curser to the right of "Price" column and click to add a row for another item.
    Title of workMediumSizeUnitsPrice 
  • Please upload high quality images that we can use to help sell your work in our on-line shop and on social media. Please label every image with first and last name and title of piece.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, heic, heif, Max. file size: 64 MB.

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