Another beautiful lobby entrance provided by Jen Hardie of Meta4

Central table looked spectacular

Dinner table with Gala Program

Centrepieces 2015

Silent Auction table

Auction items

Mayor Rowett says a few words

Our MC, Lynn MacDonald

Guests enjoying dinner

Pelleteri Wine sponsored by Canadian Tire

David Vowles entertained throughout the evening

Guests socializing

Guests hamming it up at the Photo Booth

One of our Song Writing contest winners, Richard MacMillan

Elsa Jayne, another of our Song Writers who won our contest

Carol Salamone gave us our third winning song for our Song Writing Contest. She was accompanied by Lyle Corrigan

Our Photo Booth people, Brian and Shariq Vaine

Our Bar ticket sellers, Gayle Kahn and Dini Page

Featuring Old Flame Brewery

The 2015 Board of Directors plus the Administrator of the SCA

Gala Committee Chair, Birgitta MacLeod

Tracy and Warren Strong. Tracy won the Grand Prize this year.

Mayor Rowett and wife Christine

Our Sponsor Christine and Terry Vos receive their gift from President, Libbie Burns

Libbie gives our Sponsor Gus Brown Port Perry their gift.

Libbie with Ryan Edgar, representing our Sponsor Baagwating Community Association

Our Auctioneers helpers, Marsha Hill and Bobbi Jo Harris

Birgitta, Bonnie and Jen from Meta4 having a peak

Jumpin’ for Joy