The Scugog Council for the Arts is delighted to present a new gallery exhibit opening on July 8 with an Artist Reception from 1 to 3pm. This exhibit and sale of artwork features abstract paintings and photography.


Abstract paintings and photographs often evoke intense feelings and reactions. We see different things in them with each viewing, sometimes standing back and often getting up close to inspect the details. Composition, line, contrast, movement, colour and focal point are just as important in abstract work as they are in representational work, may be even harder for the artist to do well, and can be challenging for the viewer to see. Abstract presents original paintings and photographs from SCA member artists.

The show runs through to July 29, 2017.

We are currently looking for art for the show! If you are interested in showing some of your Abstract work, please bring the completed Contract Form to the SCA along with your art work on July 4th between 11:00am and 4:00pm.

2017 SCA Gallery Exhibition Contract


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