Lake Scugog Historical Society
LSHS is a non-profit organization formed in 1969 with the goal of preserving the history of the Lake Scugog area in the Township of Scugog by stimulating interest in local historic events, local historic sites including pioneer cemeteries and local historic newspapers and documents. LSHS is a member of the Ontario Historical Society. LSHS meets on the 2nd Tuesday evening of the month from September-June as well as host Antique Show fundraisers in Feb. and October of every year.
The Lake Scugog Historical Society were the original founders of the Scugog Shores Museum Village and Archives in 1971. Created as means to find a home for the material and archival history of the Township of Scugog. The organization continues to support the SSM through donations but since 2006 have turned their attention to hosting informative Speaker Series, historic walks, publishing The Archivist newsletter for members and the general public, and digitizing the local newspapers from 1851 to 2021. The long term goals of the LSHS are to improve the signage and care of our pioneer cemeteries, to assist with the preservation of historical buildings, sites and plaques/monuments and to offer free and easy access to the historical records and publications about the community and its people.
For further information visit their web-site or contact Marilyn Pearce at 905-985-9250 or [email protected]