Kirsten Latimer


“My goal is to capture and share the simple beauty of plants, pets and musical play with the rich nature of oil paints. The little details are what make it worth while.”
Kirsten’s love of art starts as early as she can remember, with an incessant need to wake up early and quietly create at the kitchen table while her family could sleep until at least sunrise. Although life led her down the path of teaching, she has always been drawn back to art in various forms. Recently, she has decided to harness her artistic passion and focus her efforts on original oil paintings.

Kirsten has always had a deep appreciation for nature, whether it be plants or animals. She can usually be found outside gardening in the warmer half of the year and regularly adds to her houseplant collection. She knows firsthand how animals, especially pets, have the ability to offer comfort and comic relief with their remarkably individual personalities. As an extension of observing nature, Kirsten adores sharing the natural materials and craftsmanship of instruments through her art.

A source of inspiration has always been her mother, who is a watercolor artist. After meeting her musician husband and having three wonderfully spirited boys, Kirsten finds herself in a space of endless possibility and creativity.

Kirsten primarily works in oil paint with either a palette knife or fine brushwork. The opposing techniques allow her to approach the subject with a different lens and focus. She is continually developing skills and style as an artist.

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