Ferrport Jazz Ensemble
Performance Group
The Ferrport Jazz Ensemble–in any of its classic combo sizes–is a live performance music group that specializes in showcasing the iconic Jazz and Pop hits of the past one hundred years…along with a savoury dash of our own original hits thrown in to season the mix. Rooted right here in Port Perry/Scugog–in fact, ‘Port’ is right in our name!–The Ferrport Jazz Ensemble strives to bring high-quality, creative and exciting live music to audiences, public events, and private celebrations right here at home in Port Perry, in Scugog, and in surrounding communities. The Ferrport Jazz Ensemble: Music to move your heart, your soul, and your feet!
Once, on a summer trip across Ontario, we got lost and found Scugog. That sunny afternoon we rested by the lake, refreshed with local fare, and cheered the slow-pitch ‘home team’ at the waterfront. We were strangers in town, but we knew then that we had come home. Like us, so many now call Scugog ‘home’. More than a place to make a living, ‘home’ is a place to make a life.
The Ferrport Jazz Ensemble supports the Arts in Scugog because the Arts–literature, cuisine, photography, viticulture, painting, sculpture, movement, drama and music–these Arts intertwine into a tapestry that enriches our community for the benefit of all who call Scugog home. As dedicated performing musicians, The Ferrport Jazz Ensemble is grateful to add its voice to the Arts in Scugog and offer the music that will move our hearts, our souls, and our feet so that all of us can dance at home, right here in Scugog.