Oil Painting with Stephanie MacKendrick

Join oil painter Stephanie MacKendrick as she demonstrates basic techniques to create beautiful landscape artwork.

“Founded in 1999, the Port Perry Artists’ Association is a community of artists whose work includes a variety of forms – realistic, representational and abstract in a variety of media, including acrylic, watercolour, oil, pastel, pencil and ink.

It is the mission of the PPAA to provide an avenue for artists to develop camaraderie in a creative and respectful environment with all members contributing time and talents. To further artistic understanding and encourage artistic growth of its members in the community at large, by promoting interest, education, knowledge and skills in the fine arts. To provide the opportunity to participate and sell original and fine art in community venues and two annual art exhibits.

The PPAA provides an opportunity for artists to learn and share information, techniques and ideas. Workshops offered by professional artists further the PPAA’s commitment to artistic growth. In order to help foster and encourage the pursuit of artistic development in our community, especially our youth, the PPAA provides an annual bursary to a grade 12 art student accepted or enrolled in a postsecondary art programme.

Located in the historic town of Port Perry on the shores of Lake Scugog, the PPAA holds two fine art shows each year in Port Perry – the second weekend in June at the Latcham Centre and the second weekend in November at the Scout Hall. These shows provide opportunities for the public to purchase original art by local artists.

The PPAA is a member of the Scugog Council for the Arts and Pine Ridge Arts Council. The PPAA exhibits work at various local venues where members are given an opportunity to display and sell their creative works and has had exhibitions at the Kent Farndale Gallery in Port Perry.”

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Sep 21 2024


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Port Perry Waterfront/Palmer Park
175 Water Street, Port Perry, ON


Port Perry Artists Association
[email protected]

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