Colour and Sound as One by Chas Burke
October 15th – November 13th, 2022
Special reception and performance October 22nd 1-3PM
Colour and Sound as One features the vibrant work of artist Chas Burke.
“My exhibition will illustrate my own unique colour theory by illustrating how each tonal key has its own unique colour. This is done by presenting a diptych for each key, which presents the actual music notation of my own making, as well as a method to allow singing of the colours directly from the painting. The second part is the use of those colours in an abstract painting. Additional painrings illustrate a single colour/sound chord or a given key in a semi-abstract fashion.”
As a professional artist and musician, Chas has come to see the relationship between the two disciplines. Paintings can be based on the harmonic structures and progressions of J.S Bach: hue is pitch, chroma is volume, value is timbre, the medium is orchestration. The construct is a product of time, space, and technique. His own unique colour theory is the common element of style found throughout all the works.
Visit us at the Scugog Arts Space to view the show! Special reception is Saturday, October 22nd with a musical performance by the artist.