It is true that many hands make art work, and while the statement conjures
images of the artists who produce the art itself, many others have and do contribute to the artistic community in their own, unique way.
Joseph Bigelow was one of Port Perry’ most ambitious and influential personalities. He was the village’s first postmaster. He was the first manager of the local branch of the Royal Canadian Bank. He was instrumental in bringing the railway to Port Perry. In 1872, he became Port Perry’s first mayor. He was the driving force behind the construction of what is now the Town Hall 1873 Centre for the Performing Arts, thus cementing his affiliation with our artistic community.
He was instrumental in the creation of the community that so many artists now call home. On November 7 he will once again walk among us and guide us through the evening’s festivities. With Halloween just past, Joseph Bigelow has decided to stay a while, and celebrate, support, and encourage those who make this community such a vibrant and interesting place to live.